PDS Seminars

Seminar I Objectives:   1. learn strategies for remembering names and managing class time 2. develop criteria for a master teacher and draft philosophy of             education 3. share strategies for selecting and comprehending readings 4. understand the Kolb-style reflection Materials: Notebooks/binders for each w/syllabus, survey, NCATE standards of PDS and articles of support, 5x7 card, character chart, definition of philosophy, quotes about teaching, disk, Kolb journals (blanks and samples), readings, video-cam, memory stick w/power-point and notes copies of power-point, white-board markers,   Method: 1.Warm-up:………………………………………………………..20 minutes    Fill out survey [explicit re. structure and organization = warm-up] 2. make name cards……………………………………………….10 minutes     inside: contact info., who was favorite teacher, hobbies    [Explicit about importance of names, take attendance – explicit about      importance of starting and ending on time] 3. What is this? Intro. PDS, syllabus, objectives………………….15 minutes    during syllabus, explain Kolb journal and homework 4. Who am I? bio-myself…………………………………………10 minutessegue from me to them with story of conversation with Lisa Delpit: point she put onus on teacher, my take on Dewey: curricula and student share responsibility with an omniscient teacher matching curricula to student, so let’s talk about you 5. Intros…………………………………………………………...25 minutes     name, years teaching, subject and grade-level, favorite teacher,     birth-place, hobby, other 6. Character chart…………………………………………………10 minutes     favorite teacher: what traits – what did s/he say or do? 7. Define philosophy……………………………………………….5 minutes    When we come back from break you will draft on the computer your      personal philosophy of teaching. BREAK…………………..5 minutes 8. Draft Philosophy of Teaching:…………………………………35 minutes     briefly touch on Writing Process – next class [building the bridge], save in     folder, on disk and email it to me 9. Select 5 readings by modeling book-tasting and book talk…....15 minutes  10. participants individually rank readings and review book circle packets       while instructor uses rankings to form the        groups…………………………………………………………15 minutes  11. explain packets…………………..……………………………15 minutes   12. Groups delegate packet assignments and begin reading……....15 minutes HW: Kolb Journal, reading TBA with packet assignments……….10 minutes Reflection: