
PDS Syllabus:

I.                   Module: Intro. and Organization:…………………2.5 seminars (7.5 hrs.)

   A. First Seminar

      1. Warm-up: survey

      2. Introductions: What is a PDS? What it means to be part of a pilot.   

      3.Strategies/methods: warm-ups = management; importance of names: 5x7 cards; intro. self and then go 

         around room

       4. character chart favorite teacher

       5. briefly explain writing process – define philosophy -- draft philosophy of teaching as a free-write on  

           computer, set up e-portfolio; 

       6. select readings on planning: book talks, tastings, circles, packets: visual, R-T, organizers, response

       7. begin R-T on reading

       8. Tarea: finish R-T on reading, bring Kolb journal 

   B. Second seminar

       1. Kolb journal homework on desk, get in reading circles and review R-T, make packet for presentations:   


       2. sample unit plans and lessons, essential questions, aligned

       3. writing process: stepping stone inspirational experiences in teaching

       4. Writing process: planning, write plan for tomorrow, end of year unit or beginning of next year unit Socratic

           Seminar: Kolb Journal Homework: post lesson and unit plan in eportfolio and email Email Kolb Journal  

 II.                Management:……………………………………2 seminars (6 hrs.)

    A.   First seminar

      1. Warm-up: K-W-L management/discipline…….20min.

      2. How did lessons go when implemented? Same? Better? Worse?..20 min.

      3. taste readings: SSR, R-T, assign packet assignments…..45min.

      4. Socratic Seminar: Kolb Journal

     Homework: finish reading and assignments, Kolb journal 

   B.    Second seminar

      1.     Warm-up: Kolb Journals on desks riddle- get in groups, prepare to present…………………………25min.  

      2.     presentations: peers select favorite strategies…35min.

      3.     Management…………………………………..30min.discipline, incentives, students as assistants (model  

          community), [Skinner, Redl and Wattenberg, Kounin, Ginott, Dreikurs, Canter, Jones, Glasser, Gordon,

          Curwin and Mendler] [Charles] laws, rules

      4.     Socratic Seminar: Kolb JournalHomework: post 10 management strategies, Kolb Journal 

    III.             Resources and Technology……………………..2 seminars (6hrs.)

     A.   Technology for students: eportfolios, research, publishing, self-guided programs (Accelerated Reader, etc.) Guests: Nathan and ShaylaB.    For teachers: technology: grade programs, power point, resources: trade magazines/sites, national and international organizations (NECA, Tri-Association)

 IV.            Module: Diversity, Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences....2 seminars  A.   First Seminar1. Multiple Intelligences [Gardner], lessons from special education (organization systems, behavior contracts): guests: Pedro, Lucia, EliasB.    Second Seminar1. Visual, auditory, kinesthetic: Modes of teaching (use them all)C.   Laws V.               Laws and rules: International, Panama, District, Institution….1 seminar (3hrs)A.   First Seminar1. Guest(s) TBA…………………………………......60min.2. Portfolio presentations…………………………..120min.         Readings: TBA